Usbextreme game installer software free download
Usbextreme game installer software free download

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You can go through many sections of society where the actions of a minority ruins it for the majority, but it still happens, and action gets taken against it. You're not seriously trying to imply any of those are "minor" things which lead to something more, are you? As you've already been told, comparisons to Nazi Germany are ridiculous, and almost invariably made by people with no meaningful understanding of what German people were going through in 1933.īack to the topic. Nazi Germany happened because of mass poverty, a political void in elite German society, anti-Semitism and a feeling of injustice following the Versailles Treaty. A quote I find apt (thought I can't recall who said it) is "If you ignore the rain, you will never be ready for the flood." Meaning just because its a relatively small rain shower on its own does not mean you should look the other way and under play it as in the bigger picture it is a prelude to the flood. I don't think its at all over-dramatic I think you are vastly underplaying the importance of this event and while disagreeing with it are willing to look away and ignore the implications until its too late. I never said it will be anywhere close, but it is a perfectly legitimate comparison this kind of "minor" thing that you deem to be over dramatic to view as a major injustice is EXACTLY how they erode away rights which leads to the kind of situations nazi germany was this isn't a universally political field but its still the same concept and SOPA/PIPA (which this links to and is a mere drop in the lake in comparison too) are pretty darn extreme policies which will extremely infringe freedom of speech and creative outlet and business start ups and the economics of some big industries among other things.

usbextreme game installer software free download

My point was that the quote was too dramatic. Nazi comparisons are almost always ridiculous and inappropriate. We are and never will be ANYWHERE close to the oppression that the Nazi party used in Germany.

usbextreme game installer software free download

Second, please do not make the comparison to the Nazi regime. I already said I didn't agree with the shut down, so relax. It's how the nazis worked, they made a few little changes here and there that people weren't best pleased about and then by the time they made the big changes so much free speech and civil liberty had been eroded it was near impossible to oppose them from within Germany. To shut it down for such a bogus reason is unjust and oppressive besides if you ignore the small things you lose ground to face the big things as the rights to do so have been eroded away from underneath you will you sat there being apathetic as it 'wasn't a big deal'. As a medium of sharing things fairly (eg your own work) this makes megaupload a tool of free speech. Universal flexed its corporate muscle over the fact megaupload often gets copyrighted material put on it (even though they oppose this and do their best to remove it) and got it shut down because of this. I don't agree with the shut down, but the quote is a little dramatic for these circumstances :lol: I don't know how readily it should be applied to Megaupload being shut down.

usbextreme game installer software free download

I'm sorry dude, but this quote was said in the context of the horrific apartheid system in South Africa at its height in the mid-1980s.

Usbextreme game installer software free download